Nicki Wakefield

Researcher, GIS Analyst, Facilitator

Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Tahu, Te Whakatōhea, Te Arawa
B Sci (Biology, Earth Science)

From growing up in Whangaruru, to attending Kamo High School, to a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Waikato, Nicki has followed her interest in physical geography and the living world. With a background in education for sustainability and freshwater restoration across Tai Tokerau, her recent background has included managing projects relating to the whenua including papakāinga design, revegetation of the whenua, treaty claimant coordination and preparing resources to support hapū in diverse land use aspirations.

Nicki has recently joined the Matakohe team on a permanent basis, with support of a MBIE Vision Matauranga placement. This followed extensive collaboration across a range of projects, and she brings her ongoing commitment to support Whānau, Hapū, Iwi while they give effect to their duties and obligations as mana whenua. 

In joining the Matakohe team, Nicki looks forward to strengthening the use of GIS technology for hapū application and the protection of the living cultural landscape.